Meet Marion Champin

My name is Marion. I am French, although a “world citizen” at heart! I launched my company — In Flight — in 2003. It specializes in Property Management for second homeowners in the Luberon and Alpilles region.

A strong taste for adventure and discovery has always been my motor! Choosing the “roads less travelled” has led me to live in various countries until 2000 (the U.K., Germany, the French Caribbean and the U.S.A.) — and even to travel transatlantic from France to the Caribbean — working on a large sailboat!

My cosmopolitan life, work experience and sensitivity have made me proficient in dealing with the challenges faced in multilingual and multicultural living.

After coming back to the “Provence of my teenage years”, I committed myself to assist the international community by helping them to manage their property in Provence and to develop their projects. My personal and professional background naturally guided me to help second-home owners lighten their daily life by managing their property, house staff, and administrative procedures and to participate in developing their projects in Provence. So I regrouped my expertise and skills into a service directed at the growing Anglo-American community in the Luberon and the Alpilles.

I have also had the opportunity to coordinate and organize private cultural events. These various experiences have contributed to building an eclectic and trusting network in the region, which I gladly rely on according to the missions assigned.

Developing In Flight has been a great experience and has allowed me to create constructive and rich connections between French culture and the international community since 2003.