The Art Life in Provence

The Art LIfe in Provence

With art being an overwhelming aspect of life in Provence, it is a great pleasure to have many available galleries and exhibitions on our veritable doorsteps to enjoy. At the heart of the local art world is the demure Elise Ruller, who points us in many directions for where and who to see. Tonight at the Apt atelier of painter and potter William Ruller, we were welcomed to the vernissage “Plans-Sequences’ by Isabelle Bonhomme. These large and striking works provoked intense reactions among the viewers, thus achieving the number one job of art. The paintings are dark and cinematic- at first, photographic and film-like. A deeper study reveals fine detail and marvellous precision called out of shadows. The moody canvases evoke buried emotional turmoil and require some time to consume their magnificence entirely. Like cutting room pin-ups- nostalgic- and calling for a more lengthy observation than a busy vernissage might allow.

And busy it was indeed! Luminaries from Apt and surrounds arrived and socialized with much praise for Bonhomme and the Rullers who were hosting. The dusk light wrapped around the convivial guests, and it was an entirely charming event. We are truly blessed in Provence to share such delightful happenings.

Thank you to @eliseruller @ atelier William Ruller for hosting and Network Provence’s many connections.

by Maryna Fontenoy for Network Provence

A Fun Evening Out in Provence

A Fun Evening Out in Provence

Thursday seems to be the new Friday in Provence this September, and last night saw many Network Provence ladies off to Mollégès to the opening view of Ashley Tinker’s exhibition at la Bibliothèque de Molleges (

Ashley had an excellent turnout on the still sultry September evening and judging by the red dots, it was also a successful event. 

Ashley Tinker is an anglophone Canadian artist living and working in Provence for the last ten years. Well known for her photography and lifestyle blog @curiousprovence, the free time of the pandemic saw her begin to paint in earnest. You can learn more about her work and projects at 

Her paintings are multi-view; at a distance, they are close to photographic representations of the sublime light and terrains we have all come to Provence to adore. Stepping up to a closer look reveals details and textures that are incredibly satisfying and masterfully precise. It was a delight to see these paintings in person, and you can visit the exhibition until the 27th of September.

Of course, the company was also a delight as we mingled and story-swapped with like-minded but diverse Network Provence members and others from the many corners of our belle region. 

Network Provence is a great gateway to learn and share the area’s events, talents, and happenings. Get in touch to learn about the membership and access to this vibrant community of anglophone women of Provence.  

By Maryna Fontenoy for Network Provence